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 The Creative Connection Project


Building Bridges Fundraising Kits


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In addition to building cross-cultural understanding and providing curriculum-based content, the Creative Connections Project strives to bridge the technological divide between participating and partner schools. Since the schools we visit in the Amazon, Africa, China, the Galapagos and the Arctic generally have very limited resources, where possible, we make donations of art materials, books, bookmaking equipment, audiovisual equipment, computers and computer accessories that facilitate project exchanges and benefit the school after the project exchanges have been completed. In some cases, we also provide technical training so teachers will be able to use the equipment effectively in the classroom.

Classes or schools participating in the Creative Connections Project may purchase Fundraising Kits that consist of 60 to 100* high-quality, authentic, hand-crafted craft items for their own fundraising purposes or as a means to raise funds for their partner school in the region of study. All proceeds directly benefit partner schools.

There are two options for purchasing kits:

Option A:

If purchasing a kit or kits for your own fundraising purposes, your class/school pays a one time cost of $600 per kit and keeps any proceeds gained through the sale of the crafts. [Students may sell the items for $10 to $20 each, for example, raising between $400 and $1000 per kit (in addition to the original $600 cost).]

Option B:

If purchasing a kit or kits as a means to raise funds for their partner school, the class pays $300 per kit, sells the crafts at $10 to $20 each and donates the proceeds to the Creative Connections Project (keeping the original $300).

*The number of items in a kit varies according to the region of study and the cost at which we can purchase and ship the crafts. In any case, we purchase $300 worth of crafts at a wholesale or low local currency price (including shipping/duties) per kit. So if a class/school chooses Option A, we earn $300 which we use for the purchase of equipment/materials for the partner school; or, if a class, chooses Option B, we use whatever amount the participating school raises (after $300) for the purchase of equipment/materials for the partner school.

TIP: Turn your fundraiser into a community event: Invite parents and the school community for a crafts auction and a display of artwork or student work. To raise additional funds (for your school or your partner school), combine the auction/display with a bake sale, raffle or other means to raise funds. Take it one step further and incorporate your event into your math curriculum by having students keep track of sales. For a language arts connection, send invitations and have a PR campaign for the event.

To purchase one or more Building Bridges Fundraising Kits, send us an Email at paul@ccproject.org.

If you have any questions about our BUILDING BRIDGES FUNDRAISING KITS, please send them to robin@ccproject.org.

NOTE: The crafts seen on this page are samples from an Amazon Rain Forest BBF Kit. Kits are also available for classes/schools participating in the Africa, China and Galapagos project components.)

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Artwork by students who have participated in The Creative Connections Project

The Creative Connections Project is a sponsored project of The New York Foundation for the Arts, a non-profit organization; funded by registration fees and a small grant from The Avery Arts Foundation; and supported by WorldTeach, Inc. of the Harvard Center for International Development.