The Chinese Calligraphy Room (Middle and High School)


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Pan Ye Ni

Mi Min Qing

Zhang Fu Jun

Lian Lu Wen

Wang Lao Shi


Welcome to the Middle/High School
Chinese Calligraphy Room

Hello! Welcome to Wang Lao Shi's (Teacher Wang's) Calligraphy Room. We are 7th, 8th and 10th grade students at the Changjun Boarding Middle School in Changsha, Hunan Province, China.

Calligraphy is an ancient art. When we practice it, we usually write famous idioms, ancient poems and old bits of wisdom. In these pages, we will show you a few examples of calligraphy, tell you the Chinese and translate into English. We will also show you how to write a couple of characters stroke-by-stroke in two different styles of calligraphy. Click on the to hear the audio.

First Student's Page -->

Elementary Calligraphy Room


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