Incredible Animals of the Galapagos

Exponential Stature  Answer/Photo -->

I'm all furrows and fissures,
rigid and dry/ Like a lonely old volcano,
wrinkled and shy/ And like the layers of lava named
after me/ I've gained my stature slowly and exponentially/
Only a tenth of a kilogram shortly after incubation/ I was ten
times that by my first birthday celebration/ And ten times that by the
time I reached first grade/ And ten times that again by the end of my third
decade/ And after a dozen more decades, I'll finally reach my end/ By then I'll
have doubled plus a half again/ Can you figure out my weight, my age and who I am?
I'm all furrows and fissures, rigid and dry/ Like a lonely old volcano, wrinkled and shy.


Click on the ear to hear the poem.

© 2007 OneWorld Classrooms. Text by Paul Hurteau. Photos by Dennis Pippen, Lilia Cai and Miguel Mosquero. All rights reserved.