Awesome Arctic Animals

Answer: Arctic Hare
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Ukaliarjuk means Arctic hare in Inuktitut.

Like many year-round Arctic residents, the Arctic hare changes its coat to suit the weather and to match the landscape. It dons brown in the summer, white in the winter and a mix of the two in the spring and fall. Of course, it does this to avoid being eaten. It helps, but since many of its predators follow the same dress code, the hare remains a dinner favorite in all seasons, enjoyed by brown gyrfalcons, foxes and ermines in the summer and white ones in the winter.

The hares themselves eat grasses, sedges, willows and other plants which, of course, do not turn white in the winter, but do go into hiding--under the white stuff. Hares use their front paws to break through the snow crust, dig with their long curved claws and plow the snow with their black-tipped noses to reach the dormant plants below.

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