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OneWorld Classrooms is a nonprofit organization that builds bridges of learning between the classrooms of
the world. We offer FREE online travel and a variety of opportunities for K-12 classrooms to interact with overseas partners. WELCOME!

K-12 International Art Exchange
Amazon Rain Forest School Project
Student to Student Language Lab
Free Travel and Learn Online Launchpad

“OneWorld Classrooms* has changed
the way I teach… and enabled my
students to travel to the world without leaving the classroom!” MORE TEACHER TESTIMONIALS

*Formerly the Creative Connections Project.

The mission of OneWorld Classrooms is to build bridges between local and international K-12 classrooms through technology and the arts. In both school and OST settings, we aim to promote global education, foster cross-cultural awareness and cultivate local and global citizenship. READ THE REST OF OUR MISSION STATEMENT






OneWorld Classrooms has established important partnerships with the following organizations. (Also see Supporters.)

WorldTeach, Inc.

WorldTeach is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that provides opportunities for individuals to make a meaningful contribution to international education by living and working as volunteer teachers in developing countries. WorldTeach volunteers in Namibia, China, Ecuador and Chile help OneWorld Classrooms to coordinate artwork, music, letter, photo and video exchanges.

The Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is a US government overseas volunteer program established by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 to promote world peace and friendship. Peace Corps Volunteers in Mali, South Africa and Ecuador have helped OneWorld Classrooms coordinate artwork, music, PowerPoint and video exchanges with partner classes in the US.


AlliancExchange is a nonprofit organization based in Somerville, MA that provides scholarships to 34 middle and high school students in the Amazon Rain Forest Region of Ecuador. AlliancExchange partnered with OneWorld Classrooms for our March 2011 Amazon Rain Forest School Project, providing art supplies that allowed six Amazon schools to complete art exchanges with partner schools in the US. We hope to expand our partnership with AlliancExchange as we develop our Amazon project.

The National Consortium for Teaching About Asia (NCTA)

The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA), funded by the Freeman
Foundation, is a multi-year initiative to encourage and facilitate teaching and
learning about Asia. NCTA seminar leaders share information about OneWorld Classrooms with teachers in all 50 US states. Since 2005, over 100 NCTA teachers have participated in OneWorld Classrooms

The Milton & Sally Avery Arts Foundation

The Milton & Sally Avery Arts Foundation, which funds efforts to promote arts education, has supported the OneWorld Classrooms with an annual grant since 2001. Click here for a biography of artist Milton Avery.

The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation, Inc.

The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation, Inc. is interested in the study of the relationship between art, culture and humanity. In particular, the Foundation's interest is the ancient art of the Himalayas, with the related goal of exploring the relationships between this art and that of other cultures. Areas of particular interest include: the celebration of ethnic and cultural diversity which simultaneously encourages inter-group understanding; and cultural and arts programs which encourage individual and community identity.

The Himalayan Art Website is a virtual museum and international research database containing over 20,000 images, 15,000 records, and 1000 thematic sets. It contains art from both the foundation and the Shelley and Donald Rubin personal collection.

The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation, Inc. has awarded OneWorld Classrooms two grants that have helped it to develop Cultural Profiles of Historic and Modern China, a multi-media online resource for grades 7-12.

The Freeman Foundation

The Freeman Foundation's major objectives include strengthening the bonds of friendship between the United States and the countries of the Far East. Through education and educational institutes, the Foundation aims to develop a greater appreciation of oriental cultures, histories, and economies in the US and a better understanding of the American people and of American institutions and purposes by the peoples of East Asia.

The Freeman Foundation awarded the Creative Connections Project a Challenge Grant to help develop its China School Project and Cultural Profiles of Historic and Modern China during the 2005/2006 school year.



