Curriculum Connections
One Week Safari Challenge
To extend your Safari! over the course of a week, simply
follow the same guidelines as explained in Single
Lesson Safari!, but have students
complete only three to five animals per day. Also, have students
read the 'Tell Me About It' pages which contain fun facts
about the animals. At the end of the week, give your students a
quiz, - for fun (in the form of a game, perhaps) or for a grade
depending on your purposes. Use lines from the poems and have them
identify the speakers, test them for factual knowledge about the
animals gained, see if they can recall parts of the plots from the
story poems or the concrete shapes of some of the poems, challenge
them to translate or correctly spell some of the Swahili words.
Or, have them write an essay about their favorite animal - or a
critique about their favorite poem, complete with their own illustrations.
If their interaction with the poems is engaging and fun, they'll
retain a surprising amount of the information and be inspired to
express themselves creatively.
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