Curriculum Connections
Connecting Your Safari
to the Curriculum: Art - Page 2
Concrete Poems: Concrete poems are poems that convey an image (or images) through the placement of the words on the page. The image may represent the subject itself, a physical characteristic of the subject or any other image or concept that might be associated with the subject.
Using the Index of Concrete Poems,
examine a number of the poems on this site which convey an image
or images by the way the words appear on the page. Focusing on specific
poems, discuss with students other ways the poet might have put
the words on the page to convey a different image associated with
the animal or the theme of a poem. Next, look at some of the poems
on the site that are not concrete poems and discuss with students
how the author might have turned them into concrete poems. Make
sure students consider the practical implications of applying their
ideas: i.e. 'Would there be enough room on the page?' 'How
big or small would I have to make the letters?' 'Would the
poem be readable?'
Mamba is a fun place to begin your examination of the concrete poems on
this site. It is written in the shape of a diamond, the central
image of the poem. Or wait, maybe that diamond is actually (Watch
out!) two teeth, one pointing up and one pointing down; or it's
a tooth reflected in the water. The poem itself (like the image
on the page) is symmetrical, with the opening two lines reflected
in the closing two lines.
Sometimes concrete poems are
a little tricky. Punda Milia might not appear to be a concrete poem at first; but the lines are
written so they are all nearly the same length and a bold font is
used. With white spaces in-between, the lines are meant to represent
the black stripes of the zebra.
Some of the poems on this site also use color to convey a hint of
imagery. Again see the Index of Concrete
Poems. Visit these poems
and ask students to consider why certain background and font colors
were used. Duma,
for example, is black on yellow. Any clue which animal it might
be? Again, discuss what other colors might have been used effectively
in these poems - and in the poems that are black on white.
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