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   Sample Module

Vocabulary Flashcards

NOTE ABOUT THIS SAMPLE MODULE: This sample module shows the general layout for Student to Student Language Lab modules. This sample page has five flashcards, whereas in actual modules, there will be one flashcard per module vocabulary word.

Below are flashcards created by students from the Jingha Elementary School in Jingha, Xishuanbanna, Yunnan Province, China. Each flashcard represents one word from this module's vocabulary list. Look at flashcard and say the correct word. Then, move your mouse over the artwork to see the Chinese characters and pinyin.









Jingha Elementary School - 5th grade

Module Profile

Language: Chinese
Theme: Our School
Grammar Element: 'This is...; That is...'
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Contributing Class: Grade 5, Jingha Elementary School, Jingha, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China
Contributing Teacher: Mi Lan Xue

See Module Links in Left Column


Go to the Teacher Page for lesson ideas and tips on how to use the lab effectively in your classroom.

Explore and Contribute

The Student to Student Language Lab is an Explore and Contribute resource. We welcome you to use the lab in your classroom and we invite your class to contribute content. If you would like to contribute content, please send an E-mail to We will send you a module and guidelines.

Content Contribution Guidelines

Review our sample content contribution guidelines here. Note: These guidelines reference a specific module that serves as a sample. Should you participate, you would be assigned a different module.

Chinese Tones

Listen to the four tones of Chinese, pronounced by a seven-year-old Chinese girl.


New York State Learning Standards for Languages Other Than English






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