Curriculum Connections
Index of Rhyme Schemes
This page contains a list of the animals and the rhyme schemes that occur in their respective poems:
1. Kiboko - Irregular (lines 1&2 rhyme, 5 -een rhymes in 4 lines in middle
of poem, remaining lines do not rhyme)
2. Punda Milia - All refrain words rhyme (-ated); other stanzas: 1122)
3. Mbuni - Only last two lines rhyme (plus two internal rhymes)
4. Fisi - 1122
5. Twiga - 112233
6. Swara - Non-end rhyming (though dance/prance is central internal rhyme)
7. Muhanga - Part One is non-end rhyming (but has lots of alliteration and
some internal rhyming); Part Two: X1X1, 22, X3X3
8. Chui - X1X1, X2X2 repeated in each stanza
9. Kifaru - 112332 repeated in each stanza
10. Nyani - 112233 etc.
11. Mchwa - 12123434 etc.
12. Nyati - 11111
13. Nyumbu - Repetition of -ing words has rhyming effect; -ade words are repeated
at regular intervals (end of second line of each stanza).
14. Duma - 112233 etc.
15. Mbu - 112233
16. Ngiri - 112X2 in 1st two stanzas; 1122 in remaining stanzas
17. Tembo - Non-rhyming
18. Tai - Irregular end and internal rhyming.
19. Chatu - 112233 etc.
20. Mamba - Irregular, with 1122 in the middle
21. Wibari - Non-end rhyming, some internal rhymes.
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